For the 2021-2022 school year, our system will be implementing the new
enVision Math Program by Savvas Learning in grades K-12. This math
program is nationally recognized and focuses on deep conceptual math
understanding. EnVision Math combines project-based learning with
visual learning. Our students will gain a deeper, clearer understanding
with visual models and scaffolding in every lesson. EnVision Math has a
comprehensive vertical alignment Kindergarten through Algebra 2 which
will allow us to address all math standards in the most effective way.
Our teachers will participate in Professional Learning throughout the
adoption period of enVision Math. All materials and resources have been
provided to our teachers to promote the effective use of the
curriculum. In addition to the enVision Math Program, we have purchased
SuccessMaker Math also by Savvas Learning which will continuously
personalize math instruction for student growth and differentiation.

HCS Adopts enVision Math
July 29, 2021