The Haleyville Center of Technology (HCT) Agriscience program was
instrumental in the expansion of Haleyville High School’s Transition
Program, Project Discovery: Job Ready, Life Ready. The HCT Agriscience
instructor and a Haleyville High School special education teacher teamed
to implement classes which enabled transition students to have a
simulated workplace learning experience. Students learned life skills
and job skills in the transition class. Students then developed life
application skills as employees in the HCT greenhouse. Through Project
Discovery, students learned personal information such as address, phone
number, and completed job applications for the position of their choice
in the greenhouse. Next, students were instructed in the interview
process and participated in an actual interview. After being interviewed
and chosen for specific jobs, they learned the process of managing a
greenhouse, growing a variety of plants, how to follow work orders,
self-advocate when they need help, learn appropriate versus
inappropriate behaviors/attitudes, customer service skills, and managing
money. Students clocked in and out of their job duties with an actual
time clock. The goal of combining the transition classes with the
Agriscience program was to utilize the existing Agriscience program’s
greenhouse to form a simulated workplace learning experience which
helped students gain employability and life skills to better prepare
them for life outside of high school.

HCT is CLAS School of Distiction
July 29, 2021