
HES is very excited to welcome back our students for 2021-2022 school year! Our faculty has worked super hard this summer to prepare for the best school year ever! We look forward to seeing everyone at our teacher meet and greet and school supply drop off on August 3rd from 5:00-7:00 at HES. Don’t forget about the HCS block party August 5th from 5:00-7:00!

We plan to kick off our new year at HES with a bang at our back to school rally on August 11/12th~  Wednesday/Thursday. (K-2–4-5 Wednesday and PreK- k- 1 -3 Thursday ) in our newly remodeled cafeteria. 

Also we will hop in to a brand new year with a sock hop and popsicle party for all grades! Can’t wait to see you all soon!!