HCT welding students working hard on our outdoor classroom!!!

HCT welding students working hard on our outdoor classroom!!!

Back-To-School Block Party is tonight! Join us downtown from 5:00-7:00 pm! #HomeOfChampions #OnAMission

Important Information from HCS! Office Hours this week are Monday-Thursday 8:00 am -3:30 pm. Offices will be closed Friday, August 4th. Offices will be open Monday and Tuesday prior to the start of school from 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Let us know if we can assist you in any way! #HomeOfChampions #OnAMission

HCS is planning our Annual Back-To-School Block Party! If you are a business or civic organization and would like to be involved, use the link below to sign up. We appreciate all of our community support! #HomeOfChampions #OnAMission
Link: https://forms.gle/1pXF4f43LWpTJt9Y8

We have completed the 2023-2024 school calendar. The calendar is below and is also available on our website under the calendar tab. We are looking forward to a great school year! #HomeOfChampions #OnAMission

Just a Reminder- ALL Pre-K through 12th grade students will receive their school supplies FREE from HCS this year. We hope this helps ease the financial burden of starting back to school for our families. #HomeOfChampions #OnAMission

School breakfast and lunch free for ALL students this year! #HomeOfChampions #OnAMission

Child Find is a statewide effort by the Alabama State Department of
Education and the Department of Rehabilitation Services to locate,
identify, and evaluate children with disabilities from birth to age 21.

Rising Seniors: just a reminder...

Please mark your calendars-Friday, June 16th, & support Haleyville City Schools!!! Plan to visit Dizzy Dean Fireworks on 6/16 - WIN for everybody!! See ad below! Buy one get one free, plus so much more!! Please share!!! #HCSSLI #HomeOfChampions

SPECIAL EDUCATION RECORDS TO BE DESTROYED: Haleyville City Schools will be destroying special education records for students that have been exited from our system for at least 5 years. Anyone wishing to claim these files must do so by calling 205-486-9231 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Tentative date of destruction is set for June 30th, 2023.

It's Summer! What Can We Do Today?
Are you looking for websites for your child to practice academic skills? We have them! Do you want to take a day trip? We have plenty of ideas for summer fun and learning! From water parks to museums to camps, check out what Alabama has to offer! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sH6G6E6z_O_ZuYqU6MYSjpUFlZovAfzd/view?usp=sharing

Transition Program for 9th - 12th Grade Students
who are Blind, Deaf, Visually Impaired, Hard of Hearing, Teachers, Parents
April 17, 2023 – Birmingham – AWTC 3500 6th Avenue South - 8:30am - 2:00pm
Breakfast, Lunch, T-Shirts provided for all students, Prizes for winning teams
Registration paid by ADRS: https://tinyurl.com/Transformers2020

The First Class PK Draw for the 23-24 school year was held on March 7 at Haleyville Elementary. We will be contacting and verifying enrollment beginning today. 36 students will be participating in the program. Listed below are the names of students drawn. Please be patient as we work through the list. The wait list is also included below.
1. Aspen M
2. Kynleigh E
3. Bentley N
4. Jerry P
5. Amelia J
6. Wesley K
7. Brantlee H
8. Scarlett B
9. Jayda K
10. Winter P
11. Sabrina W
12. Westin W
13. Adleigh C
14. Grayson H
15. Ryker V
16. Nyla G
17. Alyson M
18. Hunner K
19. Marjorie M
20. Baylor T
21. Emorie G
22. Tala W
23. Jaxon M
24. Caroline S
25. Josiah A
26. Michael S
27. Cooper H
28. Reyna L
29. Waylon B
30. Brianna A
31. Henry M
32. Sawyer B
33. Nolan S
34. Brexlyn S
35. Elliott B
36. Raelyn G
Wait list
1. Margaret D
2. Charlie C
3. Andrew B
4. Lydia W
5. Neila C
6. Caleb M
7. Ella L
8. Kaleb B
9. Hudson H
10. Brayden N
11. Sadie S
12. Lacy G
13. Emmy-Lou F
14. Austin H
15. Olivia C
16. Jasper A
17. Avery T
18. Keith K
19. Navaeh C
20. Remington V
21. Liam W
22. Milahni A

Pre-registration for Alabama First Class Pre-K is now open for the 23-24 school year. Please follow the link to create an account and pre-register. To be eligible, your child must be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2023 and must be eligible for enrollment in Haleyville City Schools. 2023-2024 FCPK classes will be drawn tomorrow, March 7th. Children must be pre-registered through this link to be in the draw! For any questions, please contact Christy Bice at 205-486-9231 or via email at cbice@havc.k12.al.us. https://prek.alaceed.alabama.gov/

Due to the potential for severe weather overnight and on Thursday, Haleyville City Schools will be Virtual on Thursday, February 16th. Students will receive assignments today. We encourage you to be weather aware over the next 48 hours. Students safety is our top priority. #HomeOfChampions

Parent Workshop by HCS Special Education: IEP 101 What is an IEP? What are the components of an IEP? How can we work together to develop an IEP? Join us Wednesday, January 18 at 5:00 pm in the Haleyville Middle School library.

Parent Workshop by HCS Special Education: IEP 101
What is an IEP? What are the components of an IEP? How can we work together to develop an IEP?
Join us Wednesday, January 18 at 5:00 pm in the Haleyville Middle School library.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from HCS! #HomeOfChampions #HCSSLI