August 16, 2024
In Haleyville City Schools, #Attendance Matters. Post COVID, there was a shift in the consistency of school attendance in schools across America. We saw increases in chronic abs...

January 10, 2024
Special Education Parent Training Opportunity: January 18th 5:30-7:30 PM Join us in the HHS Commons as Katrina Wellborn from the Alabama Parent Center shares information relating ...

December 5, 2023
Does your child experience anxiety or behavioral concerns? Here are a few tips to reducing stress for your child during the holidays!

December 1, 2023
The Alabama Parent Education Center offers monthly virtual training opportunities for parents. Click on the session(s) you would like to register for or visit their website for m...
November 14, 2023
Parents are their children’s first teachers, and the U.S. Department of Education supports the power of parent partnership with educators as a key lever for the success of every c...

October 13, 2023
Have you heard of ALA- the Alabama Literacy Act? Here's a look at ALA from a student's perspective. More
information relating to ANA and ALA will be shared throughout the yea...

October 13, 2023
Have you heard of ANA- the Alabama Numeracy Act? Here's a look at ANA from a student's perspective. More information relating to ANA and ALA will be shared throughout the year t...
September 26, 2023
The 2024 Niche rankings are out, and we are proud to announce that Haleyville City Schools has been ranked #8 of 138 districts across the state having the Best Teachers in Alabama...
August 7, 2023
Welcome back to Haleyville City Schools! We are looking forward to a great school year! We are on a mission to motivate, educate, and inspire all students to achieve excellence. W...
August 7, 2023
Welcome back to Haleyville City Schools! We are looking forward to a great school year! We are on a mission to motivate, educate, and inspire all students to achieve excellence. W...

July 7, 2023
Through the Community Eligibility Provision, all students within Haleyville City Schools will receive breakfasts and lunches at no charge this year! Please follow the link for mor...

February 22, 2023
The Haleyville City School's Career Technical Center came to HMS to visit the 8th graders to introduce them to the fields available to them. Each program brought current HHS stude...

November 2, 2022
November is Thank Alabama Teachers Month! We encourage you to find a way to thank your teachers during November. Something as simple as a note, card, or post thanking them for all...

September 28, 2022
It’s Fall Y’all and We Got the BEAT at HCS! You are invited to take a walk through the scarecrows prepared by all grades at HES and HMS and a few others thrown in the mix. Bring yo...

September 28, 2022
It’s Fall Y’all and We Got the BEAT at HCS! You are invited to take a walk through the scarecrows prepared by all grades at HES and HMS and a few others thrown in the mix. Bring y...

March 11, 2022
We are currently completing an AMSTI unit called Researching the Sun-Earth-Moon System. Students researched a “spinoff” invention that was originally invented for the space progra...
January 19, 2022
The seventh-grade math classes will be writing & evaluating expressions. In the Alabama Course of Study, you can find it under Algebra & Functions #6. The students will be working...

January 12, 2022
Welcome back HMS! We hope everyone had a restful winter break. The start of a new semester gives everyone a lot of new opportunities. Baseball and softball will be beginning soon...

December 13, 2021
Haleyville City Schools will be partnering with the City of Haleyville and other local businesses and accepting donations for the tornado victims of Kentucky and surrounding areas...

November 29, 2021
6 th Grade English News
November 29, 2021
November has been stuffed with many opportunities for learning in the 6 th grade English class. Students have planned an...